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"Create, play and collaborate; 

move to explore"



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Jess has had experience leading workshops to all ages and abilities over the past ten years. She has worked in a variety of settings including festivals, schools, colleges, universities, youth centres, retreats and stage schools. Drawing upon her past training and experience, Jessica provides a versatile and eclectic approach to movement. 

Current Workshops...
Past workshops and testimonials...

Artscool (Cheshire)

A school, college and university festival celebrating aspirations, achievement and creativity through the Arts.

“Our children have really enjoyed the dance and drama sessions this morning. They have been really engaging and offered a good variety of ideas that we may use again” 

"I really enjoyed it.  It wants you to think about things more differently"

"It was fun because we have had some time to work it out by ourselves."

- Feedback and observations from pupils, teachers, visitors and artists who attended Artscool 

Summer School (Manchester)

Widening Partnerships work with targeted learners from Primary and Secondary schools across Greater Manchester and Cheshire to raise the aspirations of young people through a variety of events and activities. 

"Jessica has on many occasions developed and delivered her own dance workshops for young people of different ages, and abilities. She is able to engage hard to reach individuals who would arrive to the event with no intention of dancing, and leave proud of themselves after choreographing and performing their group dance pieces." 

- Hannah Wilson, Widening Participation Officer

"She is very calm under pressure, is very punctual, reliable and was a valued member of our team. I would have no hesitation in re-employing her, or recommending her for employment."

-Ivan Hay, Widening Participation Assistant

Mab Lane youth Centre


Supporting young people in the local area and helping them to develop their full potential whilst keeping them off the streets. Mab Lane creates a supportive, inclusive and energising environment for young people.

"These workshops have been really amazing for our young people and Jessica herself has been a fantastic asset to our team. Her creativity, her enthusiasm, her willingness to go above and beyond the requirements for the role  ensure success in delivering her workshops. Jessica has good instincts for a potential challenge or risk during activities or events which works in favour when working with more challenging individuals here at Mab Lane"

- Sophie Jones, Lead Support Worker

Wild Woman (Sheffield)

West Lancs Performing Arts (Lancashire)

West Lancs Performing Arts is an independent stage school based in Ormskirk at the Rose Theatre at Edge Hill University. It offers classes and examinations in dance, drama and singing.

"Jessica has proved herself to be extremely reliable, very committed, enthusiastic and hard working. We are more than satisfied with her attitude, approach to the work and rapport with students. She is dedicated and creative. Jessica is a very talented dancer but is also a competent teacher"

-Sharn Alexander, WLPA Principal

Co-producing along side an all female team based in Sheffield, Jessica is delivering movement workshops for charities who work with women from different backgrounds. This is part of the Wild Woman production and in collaboration with SheFest's International Women's Day celebrations on 8th and 9th March 2018. 

"Due to the structure of the groups and Jess’ approach, the women built confidence and self-belief. The project certainly has had a huge impact on the women. After the first session women came out feeling uplifted and noticeably ‘lighter’. The women who engaged from start to finish have grown so much in confidence and seemed to channel their own feelings and emotions into the performance. Even those who only attended once spoke about how they had been able to express themselves in a different way; through movement." - Jessica Ryland, Emerge Key Worker, Together Women Project

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Who am I?
My name is Jess Gibson and I am a performance maker, choreographer and movement practitioner based in Sheffield, UK. My background and training is primarily in dance but I have a strong cross-disciplinary approach to work and find collaboration important for artistic development. Having an interdisciplinary approach has enabled me to work on various projects with artists and companies that explore different forms such as textiles, installation, theatre, puppetry, acrobatics, film, and photography.

What do I do?
I make stuff; I facilitate workshops, I play in studios, I collaborate with other artists using choreography, research and exploration of different art forms. I enjoy using play and vulnerability when making my own work and I'm interested in exploring elements of the human condition through performance. I like working on projects that feel meaningful to communities and relevant to the time and place in which they exist. Collaborating with other artists in the likes of theatre and film enriches my artistic practice and develops my practice. Most of all though I love having a laugh with people, creating playful and empowering workshops within the community and building new connections.

Why am I doing this?
For me, exploring play and vulnerability in performance provides room for free expression and also offers an opportunity for me to understand and connect to myself, others and the world around me. After struggling with a mental health breakdown in 2014 and being out of work for years, I have come to appreciate what it's like to struggle financially on benefits and the ongoing challenge of balancing health and wellbeing in this society. Over the past few years I have rediscovered purpose and value in being creative, contributing to my community and being a part of a larger conversation about what it means to be a human being.


I believe art, performance and storytelling is for everyone!

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